About Captain Rex (CT-7567)

CT-7567, who´was nicknamed „Rex“, was a Clone trooper Captain during the Clone Wars.
He is the Leader of the Torrent Company, a unit of Elite Clones from the famed 501st Legion, and a good friend of Commander Cody.
Rex and Torrent Company

Rex uses the color design of the 501st Legion.
He also wears a Kama and a Pauldron, his Helmet displays Jaig Eyes and features a rangefinder, a tool, which is normally used by Advanced Recon Commando Soldiers (ARC-Soldiers).
He carries twin DC-17 hand-blasters.

I am going to manufacture the Kama out of Leather and black cloth. Actually i´m going to produce the Blasters out of wood, but i don't think i can do this.

If you have any Ideas for the Manufacturing, please write a Comment.

DC-17 HAndblaster  - Rex´ most used Weapons

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